After the events of last year, the OmniLabs Corporation had to rethink their future. The decision to cease human testing and switch to “lower risk” organics eliminated the need for several safety protocols.

Plants, insects, and animals were spliced and “re-engineered” to create several super species. At first, the intent was on improving agricultural output, until OmniLabs signed a lucrative contract with the Department of Defense, and started introducing human DNA.

The push for immediate small-scale production of “weapons-grade organic life forms” resulted in cutting nearly every corner and safeguard, and that’s when it all went wrong. Cross-species contamination resulted in mutations across not only plants, animals and insects, but humans as well.

Enter if you dare, but you may never come out!


Breach is an interactive attraction.

Visitors entering Breach will be faced with an important decision:

  • Should you explore OmniLabs and simply watch the action?
  • Or should you “mark” yourself to truly interact with the creatures within?

Those who opt-in for a truly interactive experience may be grabbed, held back, sent into hidden rooms, removed from their group or even forced to remain…

Choose wisely.

(Customers must be 18 years old to “mark” themselves)

SCREAM-A-GEDDON | Bonzo's Beer Garden